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Book details
  • SubGenre:Management
  • Language:English
  • Pages:446
  • eBook ISBN:9780978855574

Mondays At 3

A Story for Managers Learning to Lead

by Greg Giesen

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Justin O'Brien is a fumbling new manager at DataDump Corp. His employees are disgruntled, his department is floundering and he feels like a failure. Desperate, he sends a letter to Ask Dr. Mac, a newspaper advice columnist on workplace issues. Their correspondence turns into a friendship and reveals to Justin the secrets of leadership that change his life around.
Mondays at 3 is a story about the transformation of a newly promoted manager, Justin O'Brien, who is neither ready nor prepared to take on the position that was surprisingly given to him. Faced with a disgruntled department, an absentee boss, and essentially no management experience whatsoever, Justin suddenly finds himself very alone as captain of what is quickly becoming a sinking ship. Then, just as things go from bad to worse, Justin's fate changes as he accidentally discovers a daily advice column in the local newspaper called, Ask Dr. Mac, written by a management guru of the same name. Partly out of desperation and partly out of curiosity, Justin, using the alias of Desperate Dave, begins submitting many of his newly created management problems to the Dr. Mac in hopes of receiving some kind of guidance. To Justin's surprise and delight, Dr. Mac takes a personal interest in him and his letters and their correspondence turns into a friendship that reveals to him the secrets of leadership that changes his life around.
About the author
Greg Giesen is president of Greg Giesen & Associates, a management development company specializing in conflict resolution, leadership development, teambuilding and motivational speaking. Giesen is also an adjunct professor at the University of Denver and is the author of three books on Creating Authenticity, including his latest, Mondays At 3: A Story for Managers Learning to Lead. In addition, Giesen co-facilitates the award-winning workshop, Leading From Within, an intensive, three-day personal empowerment workshop, and is producer and co-host of the Mondays At 3 talk radio show on Castle Rock Radio.