About the author. Born May 12, 1965. In a small Texas town, (Geneva Texas), to a share croppers daughter. By the age of 2, finding himself relocated to the inner city streets of Houston Texas,(the 5th ward) via his construction worker fathers job. His mother; now as primary housekeeper, has the dual task of trying to care for her family, and make a living. At the age of 4 he received a year of church school at (Lyons Unity Missionary Baptist Church.) Before starting his formal primary education in the public school system in Houston Texas, ultimately graduating from (Phillis Wheatley Sr. High) in 1983. With no formal secondary education, or training, he adopted the slogan of; "Two-thirds of a mans education is that of which he chooses to give to himself." Armed with the Holy Bible, dictionary, pad and pen, he wages a written war on the misuse of education. Through battles of self expression, within himself. Toiling with the demonstrative notions, of taboos, associated with individualism, and free expression. Even in today's times. He is a cunning, solitary, stealth hunter, and mercenary in "the war on words." A self made man, so to speak. A king of cats, in this concrete jungle, just trying to eat.