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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:252
  • eBook ISBN:9780990543039

Mirror Mirror

Is the Image We See in the Mirror Reflected in Our Lives?

by Martin Roberts

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Mirror Mirror explores chapter by chapter the way in which a person conducts their life, either by works of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit. The reader is left in no doubt by Scriptural references, what is required in order to obtain God’s blessings in their life. A person’s free will choice is extracted and laid bare to reveal, that where a person spends eternity is their choice, and theirs alone. “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” James 1:23-25 (NIV)
Mirror Mirror explores chapter by chapter the way in which a person conducts their life, either by works of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit. The reader is left in no doubt by Scriptural references, what is required in order to obtain God’s blessings in their life. A person’s free will choice is extracted and laid bare to reveal, that where a person spends eternity is their choice, and theirs alone. “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” James 1:23-25 (NIV) This book is a book to help the person who may still be searching for God. It’s a book that hopefully you or someone else can identify with and, if that be the case, to put into action how to draw oneself into a relationship with God now. Someone may be searching for God and do not even know they are searching for Him right now. But their lives, or rather the way they conduct their life, may not be what they want it to be. Maybe the person who this book appeals to or helps is one who is enslaved to drug addiction, or alcoholism. Perhaps sexual immorality may be something a person is struggling with and may not even know it or recognize it as such. Many other things which can enslave a person are much more subtle and deceiving to the point that they are not even seen as being wrong. Through the chapters of this book we will detail all of them and show by Scripture, God’s law and what He demands of each and every one of us to be acceptable toward Him.
About the author
About the Author Martin Roberts From around the age of five, Martin Roberts was exposed to religion and over the next twenty years became acquainted with the word of God. At the age of thirteen he was baptized in recognition of accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior. In 1982 an experience he had with the denomination he was involved with caused him to question all that he had believed. Instead of seeking God, he led a life for the next twenty years away from God and this led to his life unraveling to a point where he finally questioned what he was doing with it. For more than three decades, he had risen in the ranks of his chosen career in medical sales, but still felt an emptiness in his life. In 2009 he experienced a life changing event that culminated in him losing the sight of his right eye. After questioning what was missing in his life, he realized it was God. From that point on he and his wife Deborah embarked on their search for a place of worship. It was at Meadowbrook Church in Ocala, Florida, where Martin experienced his “light bulb” moment of finally following his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He firmly declares that God’s promise is true, that He will never leave you, and He will never forsake you. He insists this is what God promises to those who are willing to openly receive God’s Grace and turn around and repent. His Ministry is now to write Christian related books of inspiration and devotion that he hopes will assist primarily readers who may not currently worship our Lord and Savior but are themselves lost as he once was. He also hopes fellow believers in Christ will benefit from these readings also. His first book in this genre, Front and Center (ISBN 978-1-62839-016-2) was published in August 2013 by Xulon Press. His second book, Defending the Bible against “Christians” (ISBN 978-1-4908-2408-6) was published by Westbow Press in February 2014. His third book, The Privilege of Tithes and Offerings (ISBN 978-0-9905430-0-8) was released in August 2014. This was the first book to be published by MDR Publishing which is the publishing arm of MDRMinistries.com run by his wife Deborah who is also editor of all his books. Martin continues to write and is currently writing his fifth book and has several more in the stages of development which includes a book written by Martin and his wife Deborah jointly. The youngest of four siblings, he lost both brothers within a year of one another (2008-9) and has an elder sister who still lives in England today. After relocating to the United States in 2005, Martin was proud to become a US Citizen in September 2009. He is a father of 5 children and has 4 grandchildren. Martin is currently enrolled in the Berean Bible and Theology School with Global University. He and Deborah currently attends their local church in Ocala, FL and live close by with their two Labradors Rose and Rusty.