A suspenseful crime thriller, Martin's Voice is the story of a ruined reporter desperate to regain his footing in the world of big-time journalism. Torn over how many bodies he is willing to leave behind, Tom O'Shaughnessy follows the trail of two sinister men out to convince world leaders that China is on the brink of world domination. But the trail begins to follow him as he writes off China's alleged military takeover as a ridiculous scam to defraud untold billions from every nation with the wherewithall to afford even one musket, let alone nuclear capability. Beginning with O’Shaughnessy’s encounter in a New Mexico bar with a sleazy Martin Luther King impersonator, the story plunges the reader into a behind-the-scenes look at the twists and turns of real-time news writing-- prior the advent of cell phones, the Internet, Twitter and Tweet.
A former New Mexican, the author lives in the Midwest. She has two grown children, John and Polly.