There is an ugly statistic that all couples must deal with: in these great United States, more than half of all married couples end up in a divorce. This is particularly true in the 21st century. Our parents were married a little later in life than we were, but the idea of divorce probably never entered their minds. Both our parents were married more than fifty years, as was common for those born into the greatest generation. The men fought in World War II, then many came home to start families, raise children, and (in my father's case) start a business. Patty's dad was trained in automotive sales, found a job, and worked 6 days a week until he retired at sixty-two years old. All four of our parents lived into their early eighties and passed away with dignity. My mom collaborated with my dad daily, so the fact that Patty and I can stay married and work together daily is not surprising. We did have some key secrets I think that has allowed this relationship, our families, and our business to withstand the ups and downs. Now, we're sharing those secrets with you!