The peaceful life Aurora dreamed of is short lived when the Warlocks of Andor rise and set their sights on conquering the Valkwell. Aurora must leave on another journey to stop the Warlocks from coming for the Valkwell and Saylon. Together with her friends, Aurora sets out for the land of Wamtell, a place where the snow and cold never leave. Her newest companion, Kerr Enkary tiig Malila, follows Aurora to uphold not only the line of Malila, but also the legacy his father passed onto him. He is up for any challenge, or is he? Aurora is hurt and Tershi is broken. Both women struggle to find courage and peace, but the harsh winds and endless snows of Wamtell don't offer much comfort. Aurora will lead on, but how long can she remain strong when her injury lingers? She's always believed things are Harder, not Impossible, but how long can she keep believing that when she feels cut off from those around her?