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Book details
  • SubGenre:Leadership
  • Language:English
  • Pages:200
  • eBook ISBN:9781667886633
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667886626

Managing in Reverse

The 8 Steps to Optimizing Performance for Leaders

by Jonathan J. Clark

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"Managing in Reverse" provides leaders with the definitive step-by-step method for optimizing performance so that organizational objectives are achieved.
Fundamentally, leaders are in charge of two things: objectives and execution. Said another way, leaders set the direction and are responsible for the optimal performance of operations. How do leaders achieve superlative outcomes? Where do they begin? What are the specific steps and tasks that take them through the process? "Managing in Reverse" provides leaders, professionals, and teams with the proper methodology for optimizing performance and achieving objectives. The eight steps of "Managing in Reverse" represent the definitive approach that can be universally applied to organizations of all industries. These steps are comprehensive as they distinctively improve the tangible, nonhuman components and the intangible, human components of an operation. First, the author defines in detail what an operation is and how it works. Then, he presents the proper step-by-step approach for improving and transforming an operation most effectively. Examples and illustrations are used throughout the book to crystallize the book's concepts and principles so users can apply them in practice to achieve optimal operating results.
About the author
For decades, Jonathan Clark has helped some of the finest organizations in the US improve their performance and operational outcomes. He is a former vice president of a Fortune 100 Company, vice-president of a Fortune 500 Company, and hospital system associate administrator. Mr. Clark is also the founder of Kodiak Cakes. He obtained his BS in accounting and his MBA from the University of Utah as a Dean's Scholar.