To the People of the United States of America,
today in our world we have new political upheaval being created in the Middle East. This upheaval is not caused by any fundamentalist Islamists activities or the bad wolf Al-Qaida that we are all taught are here to blow us up; an organization that our US unelected government have taught and financed to kill. No, it is being caused by people, the same type of person as you and I, looking for a government of the people, by the people and for the people in their community called a nation to provide the basic needs of any government. Those needs are to secure the health, welfare and safety of the community of Man.
Today you are seeing the United States and the EU of the Christian Empires still trying to maintain a world of economic control by the Banksters, who have created a system based on debt that can never be repaid in anyones lifetime, not just our own. The debt is a cancer of our society and it will eat us all up. We are days away from a revolution of the people in these economic lands that gave birth to this banking system. The system needs to be retired at once and let a new one begin. One that provides for Man the health, welfare and safety of community and one that allows the sport of capitalism to thrive.
Today you are witnessing Earth Changes. The consciousness of Earth is doing this to remind us that we, as a community of Man, are visitors to Earth. We must act as one community to survive, or if we stay divided as individuals, in controlling religious and Nation-States that do not share, then we will all just disappear.
This booklet shares the conclusions from the forthcoming book, HIGHWAYS OF MAN. It tells us what we all must understand, who we are, and what we must do together to survive to make Earth, once again, the Heaven that we came to live in, for the here and now.