Kostadino Paleologos roams mysterious libraries all over the world following stories about a soul searching for redemption. Its many lives protest history's treatment and wish for a life more ordinary.
He finds the Idammah-Gan Codex, a catalogue of all the soul's lives; a singularly dangerous book, safely read only in daylight. No candle, electric or fire could keep the shadows confined in the stygian ink of the Codex.
Kostadino's actions throw Revelation & all prophesies into chaos. The Luciferian Church that longed for their Redeemer move heaven and earth to find him while the Vatican sends Templars to hunt him down.
Kostadino raises the Antichrist, names him Adam & teaches the secrets he learned in his own quest. The far-flung, dusty old rooms throughout the world were filled with the almost perfect thoughts and nearly complete ideas from geniuses throughout history; yet no one had found the whole truth. All came as close as they could but fell short. Kostadino shows Adam we cannot see the truth to which every faith aspires because we are flawed. We see, hear, smell, taste and touch with inadequate tools. Even intellect is limited, unable to completely digest truth. Truth is too large --or too
small-- to see, and we absorb only what we can from our narrow perspectives.
Faith believes outside reason, but loses truth in translation, wishing, to no avail, that reason can finally explain faith.