Description In Love Matters, the author joins the poets across time asking, "What is love?" This is the question the author, who has lived a life of experience and found the joy of real love, ponders and answers in this book. The author makes a strong case that God is love, and all real love emanates from His being. When is it? For God, it was when we didn't love Him, but He loved us. Why love? We love to represent the God who is love. And how do we love? By using everything God has given us. Love Matters takes a deep look at one of the most essential aspects of God's nature and shows us how to accept His love for us. Then it shows us how, in turn, to love others using God's love within us. God loved us, and in the same way, we are to love others. When we understand that Love Matters, we will begin to live in the joy of the Lord of love.