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Book details
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:74
  • eBook ISBN:9781617920042

Love It or Leave It

The End of Government as the Problem

by Mark Manney

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If you were offered the chance at total freedom from taxes and total freedom from government in your life, would you take it? Our widely-held faith in the free market leads many to believe that government is the problem. If we could only get the government to stop interfering in our economy and in our lives, then market forces would solve so many of the problems plaguing us today. While politicians only continue to offer the fantasy of ending government through government (i.e., vote for me and I'll cut government programs), this book proposes a simple, realistic plan called the Total Freedom Act that will make it possible to live the libertarian, free market ideal. Love It or Leave It cuts right through the endless and tiresome culture war by holding ideology up to the mirror of reality. Mark Manney presents the idea that ends government as the problem.
America is stuck in an endless cycle of debate about whether government is too socialist or not socialist enough and whether it is a force for positive change or our worst enemy. But sometimes a simple idea can change everything. The Total Freedom Act ends this debate with a plan to bring our highest ideals to life and restore true freedom in America. Ronald Reagan summarized one side of this debate all the way back in 1975. He famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help.’” The problem is that it is now 35 years later and we are still arguing about all of this in theory. All the while, our government only continues to get bigger, more invasive, and more out-of-control. The time has come to start connecting these ideas to reality. Regardless of which side of the argument you are on, Love It or Leave It presents the idea that ends the debate that government is the problem.
About the author
Mark Manney is an American writer, recording artist, and social commentator who uses the alias “Abscondo” to share his ideas across multiple communication channels and art-forms. Important ideas beg to be shared. Some ideas are best expressed through writing. Since 2004, on the Abscondo Blog, Mark Manney has put together what has become a holistic life philosophy and worldview that connects personal topics such as love, happiness, life purpose, health, finance, and politics. In 2011, Mark also became a published author with the introduction of his political manifesto, Love It or Leave It: The End of Government as the Problem. Other ideas are best expressed through the emotion of music. Abscondo is a solo musician who released a well-received debut album called Midnight Snow in 2008. In 2010, the artist released a demo EP called Fo(u)r Colors and is currently recording a full-length album. Still other ideas are best expressed through the dynamics of conversation. Along with his wife Sofia, Mark puts out new episodes of the Abscondo Podcast each week. The show includes honest conversation and interviews with fascinating and accomplished guests. Mark, himself, is also available as a talk-show guest. Worthwhile ideas must also be compatible with the realities of day-to-day life. Mark is an MBA with more than 15 years of international business experience in the software industry. In the past 7 years, he has worked with many of the world’s top brands to generate $19 million in software revenue. Mark is currently located in Eastern Europe; where he lives, works, and creates with his wife and young daughter.