Looking In is an intriguing twisting story about the frailty of a struggling marriage and the evolution of a new found companion.
Susan has been sinking into complacency for many years, but when she decides to start making changes in her life, she feels like she is being watched. First fear consumes her, and then intrigue compels her. Confident in her skills as an ex-soldier, she thinks she can protect herself from her stalker. She warns her husband Jerry about what has been going on but he dismisses her concern for paranoia. She is on a mission to find out who is watching her, and perhaps stalking her. During her quest to find her stalker, she befriends a homeless man that turns out to be more-than-meets-the-eye. The research into the homeless man’s last name turns up numerous possibilities but one seems to stand out, a technology company with ties to the government. While she focuses her time and energy on helping him, her marriage plummets further. Susan wonders if her marriage is going to survive or even if she wants it to.
Susan’s curiosity is piqued during her research and after she gets hired on to Johnson Tech she finds some alarming information. You never know who can see you, or how they can see you; just know you’re always being watched.
Susan is torn between the physical connection she has for her new companion, and the bond she once had with her husband. When too many warning signs surface, Susan and her long-time friend Jennifer try to figure out why people are being singled out on secret video files at Johnson Tech. Jennifer is leery of Susan's new friend and constantly reminds her to be careful. Will Susan listen to her friend, or will she let her inhibitions go?