About the author
My intent is to open the eyes of believers from my own experiences and provide guidance through this book that is easy to read and straight to the point. I began my walk with God in my early years and have been on a journey in which I discovered a life of pure peace and love. I've overcome many generational curses and continuing to grow in my faith. I love sharing my experiences and what's been laid on my heart to share with fellow followers of Christ and even introduce the greatest gift of God which is salvation. Throughout my life I've experienced many ups and downs but by the grace of God made it through and come out of the trials closer to God than ever before. I enjoy this life that I've been blessed with and just want to reveal my discoveries and experiences to help lead other people into a more intimate relationship with God. Throughout the years I've discovered that the kingdom of God is within us and if we knock it'll be opened to us and we can enjoy this life with the mind of Christ and inherit the promises of God. I've struggled with depression anxiety and other mental issues that I've managed to overcome through the Holy Ghost. I've discovered this life of abundant living knowing everything works out for my good and was called to share the insight I've received along the years that called for trust and being totally dependent on the love of God to lead me through many trials and difficulties. I live a humble life. I have a good wife and three wonderful children and have received many blessings, answered prayers, and favor when I received the mind of Christ. Many people miss out on this type of life due to sin that covers this world with lies and deceit of the enemy. My calling in to shine the light on this darkness and help others enjoy this peace,joy, and love, that is freely given by God. Living a life of obedience is hard to do and is impossible without the Holy Ghost but with God all things are possible. So thank you for taking the time to let me express my passion for my calling and I encourage you to get a copy and truly seek and find this life of picking up your cross and following Christ into a life that is very rewarding.