A lot of the suggestions and ideas in this book come from the perspective of an artist (who's turned her hobby into a career). Don't worry if you're not an artist type – you can also benefit from this book. If you have leadership qualities but are not recognized in the corporate world, there is insight for you here. If your goal is to lose ten pounds, but you don't know how you'll ever be able to do it, you can make discoveries from my advice. Live Life For A Living is about listening to your ideas, and trusting your thoughts and instincts. It's about having and building confidence in yourself, and acting on your instincts without fear. It's about doing what makes you happy, not what pleases others. This book will help you believe in yourself and know yourself. You will learn to recognize and enhance your strengths. You will pay attention to and overcome your weaknesses. Most importantly, you will be encouraged to enjoy your life. I believe your life is for you – not for your children, your parents, your spouse, your siblings or your boss. While all of these people may benefit from your existence, your life exists for you.