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Book details
  • SubGenre:Visionary & Metaphysical
  • Age Range (years):0 - 12
  • Language:English
  • Pages:36
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350981049

Light Beyond

by Carol Jones

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Alvin loves his world. He finds joy in all he does. A time comes when Alvin feels himself leaving his world. Find out how Alvin handles sadness and grief and eventually experiences more love, peace, and joy than ever before.
Losing a loved one brings grief and sorrow and questions if there is life beyond. In "Light Beyond", Alvin's life journey takes him through the emotions of joy, love, sadness, anger, acceptance and finishes in an uplifting and spiritually rewarding ending. Children and adults alike will find hope, peace, and calm in this story of life after death.
About the author
Carol did not consider writing for fun until after retirement. Her previous works were confined to technical papers, articles, and company newsletters, all fact-based and boring to most. Now with the new-found freedom to let her imagination go wild, her first children's book is published. Jones' passions stem from her desire to be creative: from gardening to photography, culinary endeavors to quilting, and now writing. She is inspired by Mother Nature, the wonders of the universe, life's roller-coaster journey, and most definitely spiritual guidance. Carol's writing brings her ponderings to life in short-story form that is both thought-provoking and beautiful. Carol lives in Upstate New York with her husband. When not creating she enjoys curling, traveling, and musing with friends.