Lies I Never Quite Believed is a book inspired by experiences throughout the life of its author, Akil Johnson. Despite having a way with words, Akil often struggled with the idea of seeing himself as a writer. This self-doubt continued even after Akil found a loyal audience for his work over many years as a newspaper columnist. Akil explains that he writes, not because he thinks he is an exceptional writer, but because he sees the good that his literary work has done in the lives of his readers.
Lies… begins with an intimate look into Akil’s childhood, and continues into a collection of Akil’s poetic literature that has inspired thousands over the span of more than a decade.They come together like the different ingredients in a wonderful recipe that results in sweet inspiration.
Are there lies you’ve been told that you have never quite believed? Akil says, "Some lies are well baked, but you can discover the truth if you are willing to cut into the cake."