Monogamy is for some, but it isn't for everyone. This memoir offers an unconventional approach to healing Black love through non-monogamous unions such as swinging, polyamory, and open relationships. This book offers readers a very tantalizing and seductive peak into non-monogamous culture, while offering suggestions on how to enter the Lifestyle. Join the author on her journey as she discovers her sexuality through her intimate experiences in the world of non-monogamy.
Many Black people miss opportunities to restructure, rebuild, and ultimately save their failing relationships because of misconceptions and a lack of knowledge about sexual freedom. This way of thinking creates barriers to the success of Black relationships and prevents them from achieving sexual freedom which is at the core of non-monogamy. To become sexually free, one must have an open mind and be willing to challenge his/her current views on sex and love. The irony of it all is that many traditional, monogamous partners may already be participating in non-monogamous relationships without their consent. Cheating continues to be one of the top three reasons many marriages end in divorce and two-thirds of people admit to cheating before and during their relationships. Non-monogamy can be a cure to the pain so many endure from the tribulations of infidelity. The idea of consensual non-monogamy is that all partners consent to sexual and/or emotional connections outside of the primary relationship. Many have found that consenting to extra partners for emotional and/or sexual support, helps to strengthen their bond and creates a more fulfilling and sexually gratifying relationship.