About the author
A pioneer in the practical use of intention and consciousness as powerful healing forces, New Zealander Clif Sanderson is an unstoppable traveler and master storyteller. He is the founder of the highly acclaimed practice known as Deep Field Relaxation™ (DFR) which became one of the first recognized Field-based healing methods. He has practiced and taught DFR for more than 40 years in many parts of the world.
His lectures on the Information Field of Creativity are received with international approval in such places as St. John’s Cathedral in New York, ‘Alternatives’ in London, a special interest group in the United Nations (New York); hospitals and universities in the USA, UK, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Norway and others.
Clif has been tirelessly building bridges between the scientific and spiritual worlds.
His rich palette of professions – he was a graphic designer, a film producer, scriptwriter, advertising executive, portrait painter and a meditation and qi gong teacher – have given him a broad experience of dealing with people from all walks of life and cultures.
But over the years his biggest interest in using and perfecting the mysterious powers of the mind for the betterment of humanity won over.
His natural ability to induce calmness and peace of mind in people with physical and psychological problems led Clif to formulate the process of Deep Field Relaxation. This process is now used by hundreds of medical and health care professionals around the world.
His fascination and understanding of the Field Of Creativity as the Field of Infinite Possibilities, has never ceased to grow.
One of the possibilities presented to him was to test his beliefs and skills in the extremely critical environment of the aftermath of the Chernobyl explosion.
He was invited to work with the people affected by radiation in the hospitals of Belarus and Russia. There is still no medical protocol established for treating conditions connected to low-level radiation exposure. In that context Clif used his talent of making change in the physical and mental state of the people affected by radiation, by applying a deep relaxation state.
The results of this work have been researched and documented by medical scientists and were acknowledged by the Russian Ministry of Health with a special award presented to Clif Sanderson for ‘Humanitarian Service to Medical Science’.
Clif and his wife Galina, assisted by many hundreds of loving, aware, generous people in several countries founded the international children’s charity FOCUS (USA). The purpose of FOCUS was, and still is, to bring natural health practices to the children of the world.
Born in the tiny back-water coal mining town of Granity, New Zealand, he was the fourth of six children with a father who was a devoted Minister of the Methodist church and a mother whose nursing work was highly respected by the townspeople. Clif’s fascination and love for writing is an inherited trait from his grandfather who was an editor of the Times newspaper in the UK and a good friend of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Clif Sanderson originated, researched and co-directed a highly popular documentary film, ‘God Does Not Play Dice’. He is the author of several books, including ‘Dancers in the Fields’, ‘Making Outrageous Claims’ and a philosophical adventure novel ‘Earth Bound’.
Doctor Larry Dossey (USA), best selling author of ‘Extraordinary Healing Power Of Ordinary Things’ says of Clif Sanderson: “He has a huge talent for paying attention to life's continual twists and turns, and he knows how to communicate what he's learned in a light-hearted, engaging style. [His latest book] will not only make your day, it will also help make your life.”
‘Knowing Nothing, Living Happy’ is the latest of Clif Sanderson’s books. It has a companion – the ‘Mind Music’ CD. Since it’s appearance it has been successfully used and praised by thousands of health-care