Dear reader, It is with great joy that we bring you "Kiki—A Sky of Changing Lights..." And who is Kiki, you might ask? Kiki is a queer monarch butterfly who loves to go to the discotheque to move her body, a mover su cuerpo. Kiki is also a yearning, un anhelo. Kiki is a movement, a constant becoming— our bodies blooming, shedding, becoming multiple— una comunidad floreciendo. Kiki es comadreo, Kiki is gossip, a smile shared in secrets. Here, Kiki is writings, thoughts, expressions, around the body, queering migration, belonging, home, the sky, our ever-changing bodies, its inner movements, a multi-sensing... Kiki is a persona channeled by a couple of Kikis here, and they wrote about waiting, a poem about dancing under the moonlight, a poem of memories of other forms, an egg, a caterpillar... an introduction, "Hola, soy Kiki :)". Kiki fluttered around and found herself seen in other writings collected here. A Kiki sensibility. Kiki kin. They are an offering for other Kikis, an ode to becoming, connecting to the earth with joy, con gozo, a bailar en la tierra y en el club.