Kicked Out Of Heaven Vol. II: The Untold History of The White Races cir. 700-1700 a.d. details everything about European society and mentality. There was an Epidemic of Alcoholism that tormented Europeans throughout the entire Medieval time period. The Mental health issues that occurred in Old Europe were termed as "Insanity" and is was a rampant occurrence. Their medical practices were well documented and provided here in this volume. There is a possibility that Lead Poisoning played a big part in incorporating a standard level of madness. The effects of this form of poisoning and many others, such as Mushrooms are described. The fungi Ergot, which is the base chemical for the modern day drug L.S.D infected the people without them knowing and there are many odd experiences that were documented, they are provided in this book. Due to the many elements that altered the collective mind, different forms of Manias became social practices that are witnessed in people's behavior today. Some of these Manias include: The Dancing Mania, The Defloration Mania and The Tulip Mania. Inside the literature more Manias are provided. The Black Death which is also called The Bubonic Plague occurred in 1347. The King's chroniclers, modern day Medieval and Medical historians state that anywhere from 25 – 150 Million people died. There were many peculiar experiences that occurred because of the epidemic. They are provided to a full extent in the text. The Atrocities of The Black Death and the many plagues that followed take up 300 pages in this 600 page book. Magic was taken very seriously during the Medieval times, as is witnessed in our modern day Disney films. There is a lot of information provided describing different forms of magic such as: Wax men, Magic Mirrors & Crystal Balls, there's even Pants Made of Human Skin for ritualistic purposes. Witchcraft and The Witch Burnings that occurred for over 500 years are well examined. There were many reasons and detailed social rationales that were developed for the burnings to occur. There was even a witch finder general named Matthew Hopkins who was pivotal for many of these burnings. It is also stated that Necromancers (Death Magicians) would come back to life as The Undead if they were not buried in a specific way. The Undead of the Medieval times are the ancient ancestors of what we classify as Zombies or Vampires today. These entities are discussed in their full capacity. In Old Europe, these beings were considered to be real. With modern day medical understanding, there is a possibility that ailments gave a person a disfigured appearance that made people classify them as different beings other than human. This will be discussed as well. The caricature of Death, that evolved from responses to events during the plague is described. The energy of the Devil and its power is also explained. There's Many Many More Odd Facts Inside..........