About the author
Tom Gilbert is a pastor, author, and counselor. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy from the University of Illinois, and a Master of Theology from Azusa Pacific University. His passion and strength are reaching people who are struggling, have reached a low point in their life, and/or have a mental or spiritual block to the idea of knowing and loving God. As a professional counselor for over 25 years, and pastor for over 10 years, Tom has successfully served people of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities, from Southern California's upper-middle class to Chicago's inner-city homeless. In Just One, Tom shares his experience and insight from his own recovery to help others find the true freedom that comes from knowing and loving God. Tom currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Home Away From Home Church in Southern Indiana, where he resides with his wife, two teenage sons, and their dog.