Journey to Christendom is a quest out of the Dark Forest and into a land of freedom and joy on a path called the Dogmatic Creed of Roman Catholicism.
Come join the author, a double Ivy League graduate and former international corporate executive, as he takes you on his personal spiritual journey to the Catholic Church with the Virgin Mary, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Joan of Arc, and other saints of the Church where you will dance out of the dark forest of the modern, materialistic culture, across the dangerous bridge of reason, through stormy valleys of mental and physical suffering, and, finally, to the magnificent land of destiny to meet the King, Jesus Christ, savior of the human race.
Journey to Christendom is a true story about one man's very real and wonder-filled path out of the darkness of the modern mind with its misguided, deadly philosophies, to truth, peace, joy, and life-giving meaning through the Catholic Faith.
Begin the journey; joy and child-like wonder are waiting for you!