In this beautifully illustrated, rhyming adventure, Josh Goes Fishing and he loves everything about it. His first task is to pick the right fishing rig. Which rod and reel will work best today? During Josh's adventure with Captain Tom, he dresses appropriately to go boating on the bay, catches his own bait with a cast net, and fishes near the mangroves. Can you spot schools of fish? Pelicans? A shark? Dolphins? When Josh catches a snook he carefully brings it into the boat, learns how to hold it in his hands, and then releases it back into the water so it won't get hurt. He also must figure out how to unhook his line when it gets stuck on a rock. It's a good thing Captain Tom is there to give some advice. Next, Josh is thrilled to catch a beautiful jumping tarpon, which leaps six feet into the air. He also learns about the harmful algae bloom called Red Tide, or Karenia brevis, which can cause the water to change color and is harmful to humans and sea life. Josh even gets to fish at night near the snook lights. Was he dreaming? If so, he gets to start his adventure for real.