'Invisible' is a gripping memoir about growing up with the odds stacked against you. B. tells her life's story, beginning with her childhood growing up in a family with a constant stream of babies being born, ten in total, which naturally limited the amount of care and attention her mother, "Mama," could provide. Duran W. describes in detail her siblings and their unique personalities and traits, and their father, an abusive alcoholic who is rarely present at home. Having keen interest in learning at a very young age, the author's hopes for higher education are crushed when a school counselor tells her that college is expensive and there are "other alternatives."
Being a person of color coming from a background of poverty and economic disadvantage, she was repeatedly made to feel that education, a life worth living, financial success, was not for her, but for others. The author attains advanced degrees and a career in education, despite many obstacles. This memoir, at times shocking, humorous, and often heartbreaking, the author shares personal stories about her failed marriages, her children, her siblings' lives as they grow into adulthood, her husband in later years and their alpaca farm and much more.