After becoming stranded six hundred years in the past, Retyar Venon resigned himself to never seeing his home ever again. At best, his world was out of reach. At worst, changes to the timeline rendered it nonexistent.
Fortune reverses when an expedition from the First World arrives in the City of Creedport and reveals that the Rift in time is not what Retyar thought. Rescued from his life as a castaway in the past, Retyar is brought back to the 55th century Kingdom of Govunari, together with his friends Fellone, Arzan and Ellaniel Redleaf, Charva Leverie, and Maltan.
But this homecoming is both wonderful and treacherous. The Rift has changed everything. Technology has marched on, politics have been upended, and the world order is in peril. Old friends seek to embroil Retyar in plots for power while foreign nations maneuver for a slice of the pie.
And with an understanding of Kahverengi's Dilemma comes a realization of incredible danger. Control is fleeting. The mighty can topple. Those ready to seize at opportunity can take all the cards.
Enjoy an exciting return to the world of Dunya in this second installment to the Kahverengi's Dilemma series.