The document that you are about to read deals with the consequences of prematurity and was created for knowledge-translation purposes. Given the complexity of the issue discussed, the book addresses an informed public, but it was written with the idea of making its content accessible to everyone interested in the subject. It could also serve as food for thought by parents who have a premature baby or even future parents in general.
This book endeavours to present several facets of prematurity by avoiding putting the focus on strictly biomedical aspects. The current work is therefore the fruit of close collaboration between several disciplines. Starting with biomedical knowledge, we have attempted to integrate knowledge from the fields of psychology, ethics, epidemiology and law. The final goal was to integrate all of these fields of interest in a synthesis that, ultimately, constitutes a global portrait that transcends the simple combination of specialized knowledge.
In summary, in the world of neonatology where the border between heroic measures and reasonable medical intervention can be subtle, we will try to put things into perspective by referring to knowledge based on a range of sciences as well as ethical and juridical considerations. This is the first English version of a book that will be kept up-to-date and enhanced over the coming years. This book is based on an online forum bringing together Master and Doctorate degree candidates, Fellows, professionals, and senior researchers, at Université Laval, under the leadership of Raymond Lambert and Yves Tremblay, researchers at CHUQ Research Centre, in 2009. It will be amended through the acquisition of knowledge resulting from new issues discussed in the online forum and from the participation of caregivers from new disciplines.