Ericka Jasmine grew up among the redwood trees of Napa Valley. When the river bubbled bountifully and crystal clear through Yountville Crossroads and the petrified forest still stood, little Ericka would wade waist deep in the lily pad laden creek. She happened around a bend one day in that sun warmed water, just beyond sight of her father who was fishing on the bank. It was an enshrined, quiet moment. She remembers holding still... A swarm of dragonflies ascended and perched themselves upon her with the unequivocal blessing of an unconventional air. As an imaginative child, Ericka Jasmine indulged in language arts and fantasy, captivated by the works of ingenuous authors such as Shell Silverstien, Tomie dePaola, Patricia Polacco and Brian Fraud. Being an aunt to several treasured children and having two enchanting daughters of her own kindles her whimsical way. Baking, building forts and reading books that inspire wonder are of her most hallowed joys. She presently lives in San Diego with her kiddo and her cats; autonomously scholastic and writing fantastical poems.