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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare
  • Language:English
  • Pages:195
  • eBook ISBN:9781304650740

In the Eye of the Hurricane

Where God Resides

by Eark G. Grover III

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During one of the most the toughest and agonizing time in my family’s life, I believe I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to write my story down because one day I would be able to share it with someone going through what I went through. I have never done anything like this so please forgive me if you find improper grammar or phrases. I pray you look past those errors and see the heart behind the words written. Our confidence was shaken to the core. It appeared there was no end in sight and the fierce winds were unstoppable. Had God forsaken us? The louder I cried out, the worse things became. But appearances can be deceptive. Things aren’t always as they appear.
This Christian walk of ours is a walk of faith, not sight. God has promised He will never leave us or forsake us. He did not promise we would always feel it. We live in a fallen world and we have an enemy that is after our mind to distort our vision, our purpose and our destiny. Your hurricane might not be as drastic as mine or it might even be worse. Your hurricane might be the “hidden demons” of bad habits like pornography or gambling. Maybe it is only anger or foul language. Your hurricane might be the intangible things know one sees but yourself. Whatever you are battling, there is one fact that remains; it will keep you from total freedom and victory if it continues to master your life. Jesus Christ wants to be the center of your life, without exception. If you want to be used of God, then you have to be willing to let God turn the heat up, even if the heat appears to be more than you can bear. God knows what He is doing. He knows your breaking point. I know that for a fact because He brought me to mine. I found myself vulnerable in areas I thought I had victory over. What God was showing me was that I am indeed fallible apart from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It amazes me how we can have opinions and solutions to problems when we are on the outside looking in. But experiences in life and finding yourself in the “inside” your viewpoint will change. I know mine did on several fronts. Our view point does many times reflect a horizontal way of thinking (a worldly viewpoint taken from our peers and relying on our natural sense) instead of a vertical viewpoint stemmed from a line of communication with God, I want to challenge you to read each chapter with an open heart and mind. See if the hurricane I went through compares to the one you are going through. The package might be wrapped differently or the box might be a different size, but the contents are all the same. God’s purpose has not changed. His desire is for us all to be molded and shaped into the likeness of Jesus Christ and He will use any means possible to fulfill that purpose. Jesus is a gentleman. He will never walk where he is not wanted. He will never force Himself on you. You have to be the willing vessel for change or nothing will ever change.
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