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Book details
  • SubGenre:Love & Romance
  • Language:English
  • Pages:268
  • eBook ISBN:9798350983630
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667892610

If It's To Be

It's Up To Me

by Peter (Doug) McArthur

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Ros is 32 years old she has been raised by a domineering and controlling single mother to the point that she has no life skills and her knowledge of men and sex is almost nil. From an early age she was sent to a boarding school under the tutelage of nuns with a strict moral sense. Since finishing school she has remained at home with her mother on a rural property and had limited contact with people outside the home. Ros has never had a job and never been out with a man. Ros's mother is now dead and Ros wants a piece of life and sets out to get it.
Roslind Quirk is 32 years old, she has been raised by a reclusive, man hating, single mother and now that her mother is dead she has no idea how she will continue, although well educated, she has never had a job and has no life skills. On a train enroute to consult the family solicitor she has a chance meeting with a young mother with a new born baby girl, Ros is enraptured by the baby and decides there and then that she wants children, although, she has no idea how to go about it, her knowledge of sex is less than basic and she knows no marriageable men. Gilbert McCrickard is 52 years old, he is a widower and retired, he is known by sight to Rosling and her likewise to him, although they have never met he stables his horse on property belonging to her. Circumstances and on advice from her solicitor Rosling engages with Gilbert to seek advice and perhaps mentoring, there is no thought by either party of romance. Through her frequent contact with the man Ros becomes fond of his horse and dog and slowly her thinking turns to considering him as a husband and father of her children. Gilbert doesn't want a bar of it. Although his thoughts sometimes stray and he gets angry with himself. Ros working on the credo she has been given "If it's to be then it is up to me" makes her play.
About the author
The author is a 79 year old retired policeman, he lives with his wife in rural Victoria Australia. He has three adult daughters, 8 grandchildren and to date 13 great grand children, he is an active member of PROBUS, enjoys life, lunches out too often and drives a Prado.