About the author
Yoshihiko MAENO
Date and place of Birth: April 29, 1953 in Fukuoka, Japan
MA, Cultural theory, University of Tokyo, 1977
Ph.D. (Dr.phil.), Philosophy, University of Stuttgart (with collaboration of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute at the London University), 1984 (cum laude)
Iconologist, Philosopher (Cultural Philosophy) and Artist (especially during the 1990s)
Director of a private research institute, Bunka-Kigou-Juku (the Institute for Semiotic Studies in Culture), from 2007 (http://bunkakigoujyuku.org/index.asp)
Research Concentrations:
Cultural Philosophy
Iconology: The background in this field was formed during my research stay at the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, University of London, from 1981-82. It was related to my doctoral thesis about Warburg’s cultural theory, which I accomplished under the personal tutelage of Sir Ernst Gombrich.
Japanology: Specialized in cultural history with regard to general survey, iconology of Japanese culture
1. Der Begriff der Kultur bei Warburg, Nietzsche und Burckhardt, Königstein/Ts., Hain Verlag bei Athenäum, 1985. Dissertation. by Yoshihiko MAIKUMA (my former name)
2. Touyouteki sensei to sogai (East Asian Despotism and Social Alienation; A Critical Survey on East Asian Institutionalism as a Propaedeutic into the Cultural History of Common People), private edition, 1987
3. Gengo-kigoukei to shutai (Semiotic Interaction between Language and Subject: A New Approach to the Integrated Theory of Culture), Gensou-sha, 2006, Tokyo
4. Sanpo no bunkagaku 1; homo ambulans no tanjyou (Cultural Essay on Walking 1; the Birth and Rebirth of homo ambulance), Housei University Press, 2009
5. Sanpo no bunkagaku 2; Touyouteki toshikeiken no shinsou (-- 2: the Deep Structure of the Urban Experience in East Asia), Housei University Press, 2009
6. Jiken no genshougaku 1 (Phenomenology of Urban Happenings 1: Orientational Structure of Contingency in Unseen Cities), Housei University Press, 2009
7. Jiken no genshougaku 2 ( -- 2: Pathos Formulae of Nidana Tie and Heavenly Mandate as the Axes of East Asian Orientation), Housei University Press, 2009
8. Keijijyou no Chūsei toshi (Civitas metaphysica in the Middle Ages: Cultural Essay on Walking 3), Housei University Press, 2010
9. Chūsei teki shura to shisei no benshouhou (Pathos Formulae of the Middle Ages and Dialectics of Life and Death: Phenomenology of Urban Happenings 3), Housei University Press, 2011