About the author
Seng Kok Ung is a Cambodian refugee who, through sheer perserverance, will and tenacity led his family out of Cambodia after the fall of the Khmer Rouge Dictatorship in 1979. He made his way to this country, and when he arrived he only spoke a few words of English. Again, with hard work, Seng turned his life into the quintessential American success story. He has been a successful restauranteur in the International District of Seattle Washington. He is a proud father of 3 girls, 2 of whom work in the family business with him. He is also now a proud Grandfather of 2 grandsons and recently 2 granddaughters
Thomas McElroy is a Guitarist Composer in the Seattle area and has called Seng a friend for the last 15 or 16 years. He studied music at Cornish Institute in Seattle Washington. He is married with no kids and a dog who acts like a kid..