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Book details
  • SubGenre:Healing / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:588
  • eBook ISBN:9781543963663
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543963656

How to Have Excellent Health and Reverse the Aging Process

by Edward Elman

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How to Have Excellent Health and Reverse the Aging Process explains how to be healthy, young, and happy from the viewpoints of spirituality, science, epigenetics, and alternative medical modalities. It will change the way you think about health and disease, while showing you how to be your own physician and heal yourself. You have the ability to prevent and heal diseases—learn how to harness that ability and add years to your life.
How to Have Excellent Health and Reverse the Aging Process explains how to be healthy, young, and happy from the viewpoints of spirituality, science, epigenetics, and alternative medical modalities. It will change the way you think about health and disease, while showing you how to be your own physician and heal yourself. You have the ability to prevent and heal diseases—learn how to harness that ability and add years to your life. A Blueprint of Health exists within you. It is the foundation for having good health and removing diseases from your body and mind. When this Blueprint of Health becomes impaired, then a physical decline begins. But the remarkable Blueprint can heal itself, returning to its pristine state, through its amazing rejuvenation powers. A person can live their life disease-free without medical doctors, healthcare practitioners, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccinations, surgery, or health supplements. How to Have Excellent Health and Reverse the Aging Process is a must-read for anyone looking to prevent or eradicate disease and undo the effects of aging.
About the author
Edward Elman has years of experience living his life naturally and holistically. He has deep knowledge and understanding of natural health and healing. He is a pioneering thinker whose ideas, insights, knowledge, and logical thinking has elevated natural health and healing to a futuristic fusion of oneness and wellness. He would like to help each person be young and healthy and have a happy and fulfilling life. His interests include scalar waves, nutrition, herbology, color therapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda medicine, extraterrestrials, permaculture, bio-dynamic farming, harnessing free energy from the vacuum of space, and cob houses.