Between marriage, home, kids, job and now an aging parent, those in the Sandwich Generation are perpetually short on time. This Kindle book is short, informative and is not meant to be a step-by-step guide. It is a collection of actionable ideas to help you cope with the care of your aging parent. There are no two identical circumstances, but there are central issues which must be addressed by the family of the elderly person.
The author draws upon her own experience, that of friends her age (mid 50's), and seniors she has had the pleasure of knowing personally. This book is a compilation of wisdom. Some of it is uncomfortable, such as pre-planning your loved one's funeral and talking about DNR's (Do Not Resuscitate), getting paperwork in order, evaluating assisted living facilities, etc. Other parts provide hope for independent living by suggesting modifications to the existing family home, how to prevent falls, or introducing living arrangements designed with aging seniors in mind. Statistics show seniors who can stay in their home live longer, so this book focuses on some of the simple, cost effective things you can do to keep your parent in their home as long as possible.
In keeping with the handbook concept, stories are kept to a minimum, including the author's own story of the long goodbye her family went through as their father slowly died of Alzheimer’s.
This Kindle book is designed to give you a starting place and create a few 'Oh! I'm glad she mentioned that!' moments. It may even get you thinking about your own senior years, because they're not too far down the road.