About the author
Mr. Petrovich is a product of the great depression where he learned early that hard work and risk taking was a means to succeed in life (of course some risks portrayed in his book don’t qualify). He attended Chicago’s grammar & high schools, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1944 and was honorably discharged in 1946. He worked as an Iron worker and Steeple Jack while waiting to be accepted to the Chicago Academy of Art on the G.I. Bill.
After graduating he worked as an Advertising Artist until he moved to Ontario, California, in 1955 where he opened his own Art & Advertising service. The First National Bank of Ontario was the first of many accounts he provided service to, like Pomona First Federal Savings, Shady Grove Dairy, Celco Electronics, Data Designs Labs. and many more. In spite of his business work load, he managed to become vise president of the Ontario/Pomona Jr. chamber of commerce, Bulletin Editor of the Pomona breakfast Lions, and a member of the Ontario Industrial Committee. Before selling his business 15 years later, but not wanting to retire yet, he took a position as Source Inspector for IBM and later, chief designer for Pacific Coast Lighting. He finally retired and retreated to the high Desert of Apple Valley CA. and began painting his favorite Western & Americana paintings, and still does to this day.