About the author
Kevin Salem is one of the brightest minds in the world of dog
training. He is a master dog trainer and canine psychologist. In
nearly two decades of being in the field, he has trained over 10,000.
He is what you’d call the trainers’ trainer.
Mr. Salem has earned his nickname as the “The Dog Prodigy” and is the
innovator of the Diverse Method and president of I.D.T.F
(International Diverse Trainers Federation). It’s hard to paint
Kevin’s image with the same brush as other experts, as his style of
rehabilitation, training, and writing makes him very distinct.
Visit his award-winning website: www.DogSecrets.com to learn more and
to see an eyebrow raising video clip of him in action.
Ever since he was young, Kevin has been able to understand and communicate with dogs in a special way. You just know when you meet a natural. We’ve all seen one. These individuals are rarely taught, but rather born.
In nearly two decades, he has successfully trained thousands of dogs worldwide, earning him the title of “The Dog Prodigy.” Regardless of your dog’s age, temperament, or previous history, you’ll find his diverse approach to work against tough odds.
What makes Kevin a pioneer in his field is he’s known for accepting challenging cases that the majority of trainers, dog schools, and even animal behaviorists turn down, or can’t solve. He is proud of working with many rescue organizations in saving hundreds of dogs from abandonment, shelters, or worse, euthanasia.
To expand his knowledge, he studied the strengths and weaknesses of numerous philosophies. Kevin has read over two hundred books on training, canine behavior, dog psychology and breed characteristics.
Mr. Salem is what you call, “the trainers’ trainer”! He is the president and founder of IDTF (International Diverse Trainers Federation). This organization unites trainers from all over the world who believe and follow the “Diverse Method.” If you are a trainer with an open mind who combines different techniques in a smart, humane, yet effective way to get better, faster and long-term results, you are exactly who he is looking for. Make a difference today by joining this organization.
Kevin currently operates Dog Secrets Worldwide in northern California where he offers house calls not only throughout the US, but all around the world. You may also send your dog to his popular program, the Doggie Boot Camp, currently only available in Sacramento, CA.