About the author
Linda J. Brown graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Journalism but most of her professional qualifications are in the field of travel. She planned and led Citizen Diplomacy group trips to many parts of the Soviet Union in the early 1990's just as that country was opening. Certified as an International Tour Manager by the International Guide Academy in Denver, Colorado, she prefers to travel alone to the more off-beat regions of the world. For many years a resident of Aspen, Colorado, Linda Brown now lives in Clearwater, Florida, when she isn't out on her world travels.
Though she is a veteran of many exploratory solo excursions, the trip described in this book was her first around the world venture. In 2009, she spent four months backpacking down the Andean Mountain Chain in South America. In 2011, Brown, at the age of 74, set out to spend another year circling the planet alone in an east/west direction, exploring the lands of the Southern Hemisphere.
Her bolg site, www.heyboomers.com, chronicles Brown's ongoing adventures. A spiritual website relating to Linda J. Brown's second book: In Secret Diffusion: The Upper Realm Answers Questions About Earth can be found at www.insecretdiffusion.com.