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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Mystery & Detective / International Crime & Mystery
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Henry the Honey Badger
  • Series Number:8
  • Pages:284
  • eBook ISBN:9798350936032
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350936025

Henry – The HoneyBadger A Nose for Murder

by Themistocles Jacks

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The season of rain is over. The heavens had been generous, and it promised a good harvest to farmers and hunters. The people of the tiny African Republic of Malinda were grateful and looking forward to the safari season. But their mood is shaken when a metal detectorist discovers the decapitated body of a young woman in a muddy donga outside the little town of Tunati. Then, two more headless bodies are found at the Ixibulu bus stop.
Chief Inspector Cecil Richardson oversees the vast and sparsely settled Northern District. He puts his small police force to work on the case, but he still needs more help. There's a new police commissioner in the capital, Maatlamotse. Inspector Richardson is delighted when the new PC backs him up and gives him permission to conduct his investigation in the capital. Half a world away in New Mexico, the Navajo Nation Police need more help, too. A revered World War II hero and Navajo Code Talker, Hosteen Yazzie is found dead outside his hogan, killed by a blow to the head. Both cases are complicated. Neither can be solved using only traditional police methods. Both require the services of a world-renowned consulting detective: Henry — the honey badger with a nose for murder.
About the author
Themistocles Jacks was born years ago to parents much older than himself. He was an ordinary child who exhibited no promise of prominence. His only distinction, besides a lack of distinction, was the happy accident of being in the tiny African republic of Malinda, meeting the most interesting people there, and relaying their stories in these books.