Heaven is the place that everyone should look forward to and long for. It's the place God made for us, it's the place we were made for, and it's where God live — but its also much more than just a place.
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A study guide to help you look forward to and long for Heaven.
It's hard to desire something you can't describe.
Heaven seems like a big mystery: Does everyone
get to go? Will I still be me? Is it just one big church
service in the clouds? Is it boring?
In this study guide you'll discover seven pivotal
answers that will help you gain a desire to be in
Heaven with God, while living your life on Earth.
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About the author
Kile is the grateful husband to the incredibly talented mom and writer Rachel, Dad to the energetic London and feisty Emma, and Co-Lead Pastor at LifePoint Church in Northern Nevada.
As a former Atheist who didn't plan on becoming a Christian, let alone a Pastor, he now writes to try and make Christianity simple. Kile writes primarily on theology, culture, leadership and his favorite subject — the Gospel.
If He's not writing, leading or speaking he's usually on two wheels in the Mountains, on a board in the snow, or four in the Desert with the family. Kile holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in Systematic & Philosophical Theology. He writes at www.paperbacktheologian.com.
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