Joon-hi's Hal-abeoji, grandpa, wishes to find his brother in North Korea, before he dies and Jon-hi becomes an orphan.
South Korean government has been working on helping the people find their relatives in North but struggles to make it come true. Joon-hi and his grandpa worry that the uncle might not be still alive.
Although it is illegal, Joon-hi attempts to cross the border to find his granduncle in the North. But the guard stopped him at the barbed-wire-fenced border. Hal-abeoji's health is getting worse.
When they finally find the uncle there are more works to do for the government to get their meeting possible, which seems like endless. Meanwhile, Joon-hi tries to help hal-abeoji feel better. What can he do? Can he make hal-beoji still alive and well until the day they see the granduncle?