About the author
Shevalle Turner Kimber, a native of New Haven, CT, is a product of the New Haven public school system; after she graduated from high school, she attended the Amore Institute of Hair Design and has been a successful licensed cosmetologist for the past 25 years, and was forced into early retirement in 2009, after an injury to her right wrist.
Shevalle is a Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention Christian Leadership School graduate with a Biblical Studies diploma. She is a proud graduate of American Baptist College of Nashville, TN, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude and received a BA in Bible and Theology. She was also inducted into the Delta Epsilon Chi, The Association for Biblical Higher Education Honor Society.
Shevalle graduated from Yale Divinity School with a Masters of Divinity, M.Div. Shevalle is forever mindful of 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV), "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Rev. Kimber answered her call to the ministry of preaching and teaching on April 25, 2016, preached her initial Sermon on July 3, 2017, entitled, Don't Be Scared, Let the Lord Use You, and she was ordained on July 1, 2018.
She is married to Rev. Dr. Boise Kimber, Senior Pastor of the First Calvary Baptist Church in New Haven, CT, where she has served side by side in leadership for the past 20 years. She is the very proud mother of Ronald, Shevalle, and Savion and is happy to be the grandmother of Sean, Tristan, and London.
Shevalle enjoys walking, reading, eating, dancing, and planting/gardening; her favorite scripture is; Galatians 8:31; what shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?