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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Theology
  • Language:English
  • Pages:228
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543973655


Discovering the Pure Logic Built Into the Fabric of Reality

by Jeff Grupp

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This book explores the most basic logical structure of reality, deriving from the most certain starting point: Descartes' cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am). From that impetus, the nature of reality is discovered to contain a perfectly consistent and surprisingly revealing theological ontology, where built into the nature of reality are simple and direct logical findings revealing that reality can only exist if it is created by an all-powerful Spirit, where simple deductions lead to the discovery that the Spirit is the Biblical God (YHVH). From this, previously undiscussed logical findings show us that the creator-God will only create realities that will inevitably, for previously unseen reasons, internally develop into being contaminated with nothingness (in Reformed theology, 'nothingness' is the word used to describe sin), wherein a simple but not previously discussed solution to the long-standing problem of evil is arrived at. From there, through more simple deductions that, again, apparently have not been discussed previously, it is found that anything that exists, any entities or realities of any sort, can only be the creation of a creator-God, that specifically has the name YHVH, I AM that I AM, that elementary logic reveals can only be an infinite sacrifice of infinite grace. Also, the book directly attacks the contradictory philosophy of atheism, with novel findings that reveal that the entire philosophy of atheism is based in obvious, but previously undiscussed logical contradictions. Also, what can be called 'nonphysical Calvinism' is discussed in detail, which could be the most direct way to experience and commune with Christ in ceaseless prayer and meditation. Along the way, this book explores the concept of Christian faith, finding that it is a hugely misunderstood topic, and it is readily found that the Biblical definition of faith indicates that faith is a constant, direct communication with the Creator-Logos implanted (James 1:21) into humans.
If you start from your most basic and certain information available to you (that you are an experiencing mind: I think therefore I am), and deduce from there to see where pure logic takes you, what will you discover? In this book it is discovered that pure logic leads to pure theology, where it is found that within the elementary fabric of reality is built a signature of God (YHVH). God's signal is "viewable" in the pure logic of reality, derivable from our most basic rudimentary information we have available. Much of the information of this book has not been discovered previously. These answers have been available, men have just not seen them. Along the way, in discovering the pure logic built into the fabric of reality, we will find amazingly clear, apparently undiscovered answers questions such as these built right into the fabric of reality: • Is there really a no-nonsense proof for the existence of a creator-God that truly convinces, that allows us to really grasp that truth? • How do we most directly experience God? • Why is there pain, sin, and evil absolutely inundating a world created by a loving God? • Why do many refer to apparent contradictions in the Bible? For example, why would God say in the Old Testament, "Thou shalt not kill" and then command all sorts of murders throughout the Bible? How are Biblical data like this explained? This book is intended to be a tremendous asset in situations of opposition ministry (to academics, in jails, to the homeless, debating nonbelievers and atheists, and so on). Also, this book should be of huge benefit to those who want no-nonsense answers to questions that God-followers usually cannot answer and/or give inept replies to, such as, why does God allow pain, why is God infinite love, is there a no-nonsense proof for the existence of God that can really convince, and what is the most direct and immediate way to experience Christ?
About the author
Jeff Grupp is a former lecturer in philosophy and logic at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and he is now a jail chaplain and preacher at the Kalamazoo County Jail. He is a former atheist, but after some powerful visions leading up to and surrounding a car crash his wife and children were in years ago, he became a Christian, and shortly after that started a career as a pastor. He is the author of 14 professional articles in peer-reviewed professional academic philosophy journals. He has an undergraduate degree from the University of New Mexico, where he studied philosophy and anthropology, an MA in philosophy from Western Michigan University, where he studied for years very closely under the famous atheist philosopher, Quentin Smith, and he worked a little over halfway through a PhD in philosophy from Purdue University, before taking time off for financial reasons to focus more on teaching. However, instead of returning to PhD work, he changed directions to study for an MA in theology from Lincoln Christian Seminary. Jeff has no aspirations in ministry other than to continue to directly seek God, to continue developing his theology he calls 'fullness Calvinism' (also called 'nonphysical Calvinism'), and to continue working in jail ministry.