Book details Genre:CHILDREN'S NONFICTION SubGenre:Concepts / Money Age Range (years):0 - 12 Language:English Pages:17 eBook ISBN:9781495101175
Overview From Start to Finish...but before I Retire is a quick read about choices for middle school students. Think big picture and decisions. Since middle school is a time when kids begin having thoughts about what they are exposed to through everyday interactions and media, this book starts the process rolling and helps students understand the difference between wants and needs.
Description From Start to Finish...but before I Retire is a quick read about choices for middle school students. Think big picture and decisions. Since middle school is a time when kids begin having thoughts about what they are exposed to through everyday interactions and media, this book starts the process rolling and helps students understand the difference between wants and needs. Parents will be happy with this investment. Kids will finally understand what parents mean about responsibility and why parents believe everything is soooooooooooo expensive. Enjoy!
About the author Sonja Williams is a Georgia native and small business owner (Passionate About Diversity, LLC). She has always loved reading, long walks, the beach, traveling, crime dramas, and sports - especially gymnastics and baseball.