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Book details
  • SubGenre:Inspiration & Personal Growth
  • Language:English
  • Pages:180
  • eBook ISBN:9781483516707

From Gentle Nudges to Cosmic Whacks

A Guide to Living Your InSpired Life

by Penny Carter

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Ever feel upside down and slightly off-kilter? Yeah, me too. And, I get that way more often than I’d like to admit. The key to living life right-side up and in balance is to live from an InSpired place. This book helps you get there and gives you tips on how to maintain being there. Before you know it, living an InSpired life will come naturally!
Ever feel upside down and slightly off-kilter? Yeah, me too. And, I get that way more often than I’d like to admit. The key to living life right-side up and in balance is to live from an InSpired place. This book helps you get there and gives you tips on how to maintain being there. Before you know it, living an InSpired life will come naturally! This book is intended for those searching for balance in their lives and who are looking for something more. More of a InSpired connection to life and to a divine source of your personal beliefs. It is for those who might be asking 'the' big questions and who are starting to seek answers.
About the author
My journey has taken many paths. And, when you have the opportunity to take a look at the route, you may wonder exactly just how I got here from there! Nevertheless, I have gained a tremendous amount of insight, InSpiration, and life experience along the way—all of which I utilize today. After working in news radio, sports marketing, and events management, and, following the death of my mother at only 55 years of age, I began working in the healthcare field, (home health, hospice) where I have been for nearly 20 years. I have gained a deep sense of compassion, respect, and caring for those who are dealing with grief, loss, and end of life issues. I love being able to inspire and mentor others. I do this through writing, workshops, and motivational speaking. I am trained in the Life Purpose Process® and am also a Certified Life Cycle Celebrant®—specializing in Celebrations of Life, transitional ceremonies honoring a home one is moving from, and loving pet tributes. It seemed a natural progression of my evolution as an individual. I hold a firm belief that if everyone on this earth gets InSpired, takes time to reflect on their purpose and puts their purpose into action, the world will get taken care of—every aspect of life on earth will thrive! Because physical death is a certain life transition, I am also quite passionate about helping people LIVE their lives from a point of InSpiration—which brings me to this book. I hope you enjoy it!