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The story begins with a cat named Mittens who doesn't like himself because he has white paws and a silly name. He dreams of being a racoon because he thinks that racoons are beautiful, free and happy. One day he hears a small voice in his heart that leads him to a magical trail which takes him to "The Land of Ashetatom."
In the Land of Ashetatom, Mittens makes some unusual friends. These friends, Trixie the hummingburtle and Frampton the frogephant, explain to Mittens that when you accept yourself for who you are, and trust in the voice of dreams you hear in your heart, you are free to become whatever you wish to be. That's how Trixie, a slow turtle who wanted to fly like a hummingbird, becamse a hummingburtle and how Frampton, an energetic elephant who wanted to jump, became a frogephant.
When Mittens finally learns this valuable lesson, he becomes a caroon.