Forever Yours, by Clevin Brailsford, is an exciting contemporary look at the oldest and most powerful of all human emotions; love. Mr. Brailsford examines all aspects of the tender passion, from the joy and celebration of newfound love to the sorrow and frustration of waning affection, with a clear eye and a refreshing colloquial style. He has combined the rhythms and expressions of today with the eternal qualities of love to create a unique collection of poetry. The works deal with the modern realities of romance and relationships. No longer is the poet worshipping his lady from afar. The stuffy conventions and stiff language of more traditional love poetry give way in Mr. Brailsford's verse to a vibrant and animated vision of the shared emotions between men and women. The poetry in Forever Yours describes the life-styles of today and the realities of a society that is often love's nemesis. Forever Yours is a rare and delightful treat for the devotee of original and innovative romantic verse.