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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Political
  • Language:English
  • Pages:216
  • eBook ISBN:9781667867243
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667867236

Forever Blue

by John M. Dooley Jr.

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This book addresses the topic of police reform by showing that the police theoretically can implement their own reforms without public interference, but the question is how. This book offers a solution: total public transparency.
This novel centers around two retirees - one a schoolteacher, the other a police detective - who are dedicated to enacting police reform. This is the second book based on Abby and Phoebe, who are doing what they can to solve today's thorniest social issues. The book addresses the topic of police reform by showing that the police theoretically can implement their own reforms without public interference, if they focus on total public transparency.
About the author
John Dooley grew up in the Hartford, CT area and served as a Marine in WWII in the Pacific Theatre. He married the love of his life in 1947 and raised three wonderful children with her. After retiring in 1984, he and his wife opened an art gallery in Lancaster, PA. In 2009, they moved to Burlington, VT where they still reside today. John spent 50 years with the Boy Scouts of America, starting as a boy from the age of 10, then as a volunteer leader, and finally as an executive for 21 years. "Published Author" is his third career title, and has written seven novels, one nonfiction guidebook, and several short stories. All of his works are available to the public on his website, www.dooleytales.com.