Be empowered, restored, motivated...
Author Valerie Bell-Smith is on a journey to self discovery. With a writing style that is both conversational and simplistic Valerie shares her story of faith, perseverance, love and appreciation of life. She is dedicated to inspiring others to live a life on purpose each and every day.
Valerie desires to reach people who are broken and confused about where their life is leading them. Embracing yourself as God created you to be is the ultimate deliverance. By doing so, we release ourselves from past hurts and disappointments that hinder us from living our true purpose. “Finding Valerie” will encourage people to challenge themselves, step out of their comfort zone and take a chance to live the life they deserve, the life they were created for.
Released with an accompanying music CD, Finding Valerie shares ten inspirational uplifting songs, set to jazz and R&B infused melodies. She hopes that readers will be blessed by the book and listen to the music, ultimately discovering the voice inside that propels them to boldly embrace their own life's journey.
“Finding Valerie” is the follow-up to her debut memoir “Dear Chris, Conversations with my son. Released in 2010, “Dear Chris” exposed layers of hurt and disappointment that ultimately led Valerie to pursuing her true life’s purpose, inspiring others. “Writing to reach people where they are is what I enjoy the most. Whether I share through music or prose, I intend to share. I am not afraid to give of myself, exposing my most personal moments. Through my own trials and triumphs, God is using my story to touch the lives of others. This is my journey, come and go with me to a place of self discovery”, said Valerie Bell-Smith, author, singer.