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Book details
  • Genre:HISTORY
  • SubGenre:Americas
  • Language:English
  • Pages:212
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098391942


The Magical Story of the First Chanukah in America & much more


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Finding The Light tells the true story of the First Jews to arrive in North America. They did so in September 1654 at what is today Bowling Green at the southern tip of Broadway in Lower Manhattan in New York City. Back in 1654 New York City was the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam. This factual story takes on mythical dimensions as befits this story written for children of all ages as it weaves a story that encompasses the past, present and future in ways that highlight this epic story of discovery and survival. It reads as powerful fiction in how it embraces the factual exploits of 24 men, women and children cast into an alien world in which they are the only Jews as they seek and are successful in building a life for themselves in this New World against the odds. Following the story is much more material that adds greatly to the overall understanding of this important chapter in American history and the continuing celebration of Chanukah at Bowling Green in memory of these Jewish pioneers who began now over 400 years of the Jewish experience and achievements in America.
Very few Jews and even far fewer non - Jews know the unique and fascinating story of the First Jews to set foot in the New World of North America back in 1654 and in what would become the United States of America. Once you have read and learn this epic story you will never forget it. It will inspire everyone no matter your religious views or where you come from. This is a quintessential American story for the ages.
About the author
Arthur Piccolo is a dedicated student of history especially American and New York City history and centered most of all on Lower Manhattan. Born and raised in Park Slope, Brooklyn, where he lives now, much of his activity is focused in Lower Manhattan and at Bowling Green where New York City was founded, and he famously is responsible for bringing Arturo DiModica's iconic world renowned and much loved sculpture "Charging Bull" to Bowling Green, where it now stands permanently. The arrival of the First Jews to ever come to North America who did so in September 1654 at what is now Bowling Green in Lower Manhattan is another subject that has been a focus of his interest. This new book is an expression of that interest told in a unique and imaginative way as a mythical story for children of all ages that captures the complexity and challenges the First Jews faced in New Amsterdam which would later become New York City. He has been very active as an advocate for Alexander Hamilton since 1988 and has written extensively about Hamilton's importance as the savior of the United States and a Father of Modern Capitalism. As a videographer he has produces hundreds of videos. Among his other achievements he has invented and patented a new team sport "Quadraball" currently in early stage development which will be the first team sport in history that will include a co-gender version.