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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Anxieties & Phobias
  • Language:English
  • Pages:116
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543962727

Find Your Direction in Your Quiet

Sharing My Experience Living With Anxiety

by Delisa Deavenport

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Delisa writes "Find Your Direction in Your Quiet" as an account of her journey from a growing anxiety disorder as a child to debilitating anxiety as a young and middle-age adult. The book then explains her transformation into a confident, successful, inspiring woman, using her journey as an avenue for young women to understand and cope with the anxiety affecting their quality of life.
Delisa writes "Find Your Direction in Your Quiet" as an account of her growing anxiety disorder journey from childhood to a young and middle-age adult when it became debilitating. The book then explains her transformation from an anxiety-ridden mess into a confident, successful, inspiring woman. She now uses her journey as an avenue for young women to understand and cope with the anxiety affecting their quality of life. Although her book is written in a journal form, the book is designed and organized into chapters that stand alone. Delisa realizes that when women are experiencing anxiety, they are looking for specific answers to the challenges they are most concerned with at that time. She felt having an account of her experiences that could be read in the order of importance to the reader by looking at the Table of Contents, was vital to keeping the sufferer on the path to healing. The book is funny, sad, heartbreaking, victorious, hopeful, on edge, and comforting.
About the author
Delisa Deavenport is Coach Delisa – The Anxiety Coach. Delisa coaches women with anxiety disorders or women who have significant anxiety affecting her quality of life. Delisa earned her professional coaching certification from the Professional Coach Academy. She is a certified Zig Ziglar Legacy instructor, a Ziglar certified speaker, a Toastmaster leader and speaker and has several leadership certifications. Delisa earned her Bachelor's in Business from Walsh College and her M.B.A. in leadership from Argosy University. Coach Delisa's company is called Healthy Evolutions, LLC. Her message is simply to, "Find your Direction in your Quiet". This is also the title of her new book coming out in early 2019. While she admits the message is simple, the work is not easy but well worth it. Delisa believes that everyone with anxiety can find joy in a purposeful life. Delisa, herself, has suffered from anxiety disorders most of her life. Delisa is married to Larry Deavenport and they have two children, Jeni and Jarred and a beautiful grandson, D.J. Larry and Delisa moved to Michigan in 2018 to be closer to their children and other family. Delisa is a personal anxiety coach, an author, a motivational speaker, both an anxiety management and Ziglar Legacy instructor, a blogger, and is dipping her hand in some amateur videographer. Through learning to manage her own anxiety disorder and not let it manage her, Delisa dares to walk to the beat of her own drum. She is always thinking of others and constantly trying to find ways to make her life and those around her bigger, better and even more fantabulous. Check out Delisa's fun Social Media Page on her website, www.coachdelisa.com.