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Book details
  • SubGenre:Diseases / Cancer
  • Language:English
  • Pages:140
  • eBook ISBN:9781483521374

Fight For My Life

A Personal Testimony of a Battle with Breast Cancer

by Mi'Chelle Nelson

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After a battle with breast cancer Mi’Chelle Nelson shares intimate encounters in this first-class life experience book, “Fight for my Life.”


“Fight” – To struggle, war, dispute, brawl, wrestle, scrap or battle I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept the faith. II Timothy 4:7 KJV Just when I thought that I had recovered from the most traumatic occurrence in my life, a ton of bricks came tumbling down on top of me. I was diagnosed with stage three Breast Cancer. Prior to my diagnosis, I had a left axilla biopsy performed where a swollen lymph node was removed. The pathology report revealed the node tested positive for metastatic aden carcinoma - ER, PR and HER-2. A later MRI revealed that the involvement of the breast was by ductal carcinoma in situ and possible infiltrating carcinoma. There was a dominant 7.3 aggressive invasive tumor in my left breast extending into my nipple. Basically, I was in trouble and I needed medical attention as soon as humanly possible. At the rate the Cancer was growing, I did not have time to think about what I was going to do. I needed to begin a plan of action right away. The Cancer was in a lymph node under my arm and practically consumed my left breast. A few months prior I had received my results back from an annual mammogram. My results were super fantastic and the doctors nor I saw this coming at all. It was almost unbearable digesting all of what the doctor explained to my parents, my eldest sister and me in the early fall of 2007. I could not make sense out of what I was hearing. It was difficult to believe what was happening to me, to my children and my family. Yes, I had heard about others having it and it always saddened me, but me? I would have never imagined that something this terrible would happen to me? To me, it felt like it was the end of the world.

About the author

After a battle with breast cancer Mi’Chelle Nelson shares intimate encounters in this first-class life experience book, “Fight for my Life.” Endowed with grace and beauty, the multi-talented Mi’Chelle Nelson is a river with many streams – worship leader, author, playwright, model, actress and choir directress. Her marital challenges and difficulties motivated her to become a fiction author alter ego Shelli Robins. Her first published fiction romantic novel, “This Marriage Wasn’t Made in Heaven,” was released in 2000. She is currently working on the upcoming release of her latest fiction romantic suspense book “Pillow Talk.” Although Mi’Chelle’s writing passion is preferred as her alter ego Shelli Robins, it was impressed upon her to reach other woman who may be facing the same challenge that she has faced. Mi’Chelle exemplifies great Faith and will have you laughing, crying and sincerely moved as she shares her transparent heart throbbing story “Fight for My Life.”